Tuesday, April 28, 2009

closet overhaul

wow… it was an uncharacteristic 85 degrees on sunday.  combine that with a super messy room & no clean clothes & you have the perfect day for swapping out sweaters for sundresses. here’s the result of my endeavor.  my ‘rainbow’ makes me smile every time i change my clothes. i’m hoping it also motivates me to stay tidy  :D

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

what happens when dj gets bored...

so i came home from my pilates class on monday to this (see below).  the good news is that the prep work for the dining room floors is complete.  the not so good news… it will be about 2 weeks before we can lay the new floors - oh, & we have family staying with us this weekend.  we’ll have to be careful to keep our shoes on.  sweet.